Saturday, October 20, 2007

About the author

Reginald Levi Walker was born in rural Perry County in Alabama to the late Rev. R. Leon Walker, Jr. and Janie Mae Ward on July 9, 1964. He is the last of three children from this marriage. Reginald or Reggie, as he prefers to be called, was educated in the all black school system of rural Perry County. Reggie tried to excel at all his studies in School. He held memberships in the National Junior and Senior Honor Societies. In 1981, he moved to Miami, Florida to live with his mother. After graduating from American Senior High School, he enlisted in the U. S. Army. However, because of the call to preach and the tremendous preaching tradition in the Walker family, Reggie soon found himself preaching instead of fighting wars.

The first influence to preach came from his grandfather, Rev Walker, Sr. At the age of nine, Reggie accepted the call to preach at Greenleaf Baptist Church in Alabama. After discharging from service in 1985, he studied under his father and other ministers in the African Methodist Episcopal Church. He was licensed to preach at St, John A.M.E. Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma ordained an elder at Bethel A.M.E. Church in North Little Rock Arkansas and educated at Shorter Junior College in Arkansas.

Reggie first pastorate was at Derrick Chapel A.M.E. Church in Van Buren, Arkansas. Since then, he has pastured many churches in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, and Oklahoma, He now resides in Red Bird, Oklahoma and pastors Vision of Hope Church, Inc. He works to encourage children of God everywhere to stand up and be the mighty men and women of God. His favorite saying is I am blessed just to be alive.

Reggie knows the importance of each day since he has been living with an incurable disease since 1987. However, he firmly believes, if he lives God get the glory and if he dies, God gets the blame. He gave his illness to God along time ago and refuses to worry about it anymore.

Copyright July 9, 2007

All rights reserved by Reginald Levi Walker


Pastor R. L Walker, III

2120 North Xanthus Ave.

Tulsa, Oklahoma 74110


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