Saturday, October 20, 2007

Chapter 5

Why will God help us?

2 Chronicles 7:11-22; 2nd Kings 6:15-17

A child of God

The natural reaction of most of parents is to come running when their children are in trouble. Most parents are very protective of their children even if the child does not always act right. God is just as protective as our natural parents are. When it comes to the safety of His children, the Scriptures reveal that He will go to extreme lengths to protect what is His. The words that Elisha said to his servant in 2nd Kings 6:16, "fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them" are also spoken to every child of God. Fear not, this includes problems, sins, worries, temptations, enemies, or even Lucifer and all his demons. They that are with us, to protect us from all our fears, are more than they that are against us, to destroy us.

The eyes of our natural body see danger and worry in everything. Yet, God will open the eyes of our spiritual body, that we may see His protecting hand. The better understanding that we have of the sovereignty and power of God, the less we will fear our troubles, worries, and problems. Lucifer, the god of this world, blinds our eyes to the truth; but when God opens our eyes, we will see ourselves in the midst of our enemies, captives of Lucifer, and in danger of hell. Let us not be overcome by evil, but let us overcome evil with God.

When circumstances turn against us and we find our backs up against the wall of temptation, we have the promise of God that He will come to our rescue. Lucifer will try to convince us that the problems are to big for even God to handle. However, God will come to our rescue no matter what the problem may be. Jesus said that He would never leave us or forsake us. We can trust in this promise. Jesus is always more powerful than any temptation to sin that we may face.

Lucifer tries to convince us that God will not help us because we are sinners. However the Scriptures says in 1st John 1:9, ‘If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.’ When we confess our sins and ask God for forgiveness, this allows us to enter a fellowship with God. God allowed His only Son to die just so we could be reclaimedback into His kingdom. When we confess our sin, we are agreeing with God that what we did was wrong and that we are his unrepented children in need of saving. When Lucifer tries to convince us that God will not help us, we need to remember that we are a part of a promise that God has to deliver.

A promise that God has to deliver.

In chapter 13:16 of the book of Genesis, God tells Abraham that his seed will be multiply to the point where his descendants would be uncountable. Again, in the Scriptures, God says that He will create a new nation of people that will be called God’s own people. God also says that He will choose these people although they were not His people. We are these people.

God has already revealed a plan to deliver us in the Scriptures. The Scriptures says in Joel 2:28 that in the last days God will pour out His Spirit upon all people. God is pouring out His Spirit today. God is looking for those in sin that wants His help. Regardless of what mess we have let Lucifer talk us into; God has a plan to deliver us from the grasps of Lucifer.

A plan to deliver.

The bible is God’s road map for our salvation. In it, we will discover God in living color. He has detailed his work of salvation for us to read and understand. The instrument for our salvation has already been set in place. The instrument for our salvation is Jesus, the Christ. The Scriptures says in the book of Acts 4:12 that ‘neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.’ Jesus is that name.

When we accept Jesus as our savior, we are reclaimed by God and adopted back into the Kingdom of God. As the children of God, God will do more than we can ever ask or think for us. This means that God will come to our aid when we are in trouble. Jesus said that he would never leave us nor forsake us. This is a promise that we can believe. When God reclaims us, we can boldly defy all the powers and threats of Lucifer. Since God is for us, we can rest assured that He will deliver us.

The delivery

One of the hardest substances to get free from is quicksand. The harder that you struggle to free yourself, the deeper that you sink. It is just as hard for us to free ourselvesfrom the control of sin. This is the reason that we need the help of God to get us out of sin. Our natural desire is to sin. All men are born into this world as sinners. Because we are born sinners, we are in need of salvation. The Scriptures say that the wages of sin is death. Therefore every man, woman, or child is in need of delivery from the penalty of their sin.

No matter how we try to excuse our sinful actions, all sin is the same in the sight of God. With God, all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and God will send us to hell. However, there is a way out. Jesus paid the price for our sins on the cross. Because of his sacrifice, we have been set free from the grips of sin and we can escape the just penalty for our wrong doings. The Scriptures state in John 3:16 that, ‘God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.’

This precious gift of God will not only deliver us from our sins, He will also free us from the grips of any addiction that hold us bound to Lucifer. Through our belief in the living Word of God, Jesus will set us free. The Scriptures clearly states in Romans 8:32 that God will help us. He has already given us everything he has. What else will God not do for us to deliver us from our sins?

Fighting a different type of fight (Deuteronomy 11:26-28; Galatians 3: 7-14; James 1: 5-7)

Many of Mike Tyson’s early fights lasted only a few minutes and some lasted even a couple of seconds. Tyson was known for his first round knockouts. It seemed as though his opponents never even had a chance of winning. We must realize that in the spiritual battle that we are in, we are much like many of Tyson’s opponents. We do not even have a chance of winning. Nevertheless, Paul says that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.

In this spiritual war, our enemies are not made of flesh and blood. More accurately, the Scriptures tell us that they are principalities, powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places. This means that our real enemies are not like us. Although they were made by the same God as we were, they are still different because they are Lucifer and the fallen angels. This enemy exists in the spiritual world. They move and live on a totally different level than us. It is impossible for us to wage war against them by ourselves. If we do, we are fighting a fight that we have no chance of winning.

The reason that our constant fellowship with God is so important is, only God can fight and beat Lucifer. The Scriptures tells us to seek God and resist Lucifer and he will flee. When Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden, they forfeited all of our abilities to control and beat Lucifer. Because of sin, we are still helpless to fight against him. Furthermore, every time we try we get beat. When we try our best to do right and still do wrong, Lucifer has beaten us. When we listen to our natural instincts and go after our fleshly desires, Lucifer has beaten us. When Lucifer beats us and we give into our natural desire for sin, we are placed under the curse of the law of God that says the soul that sinneth shall surely die.

Living under the curse

The Scriptures sums up all the arguments for our obedience in two words, blessing, and curse. God asks us to choose which we would have. When we break the law of God, we are placed under the curse of the law of God. Yet, God again sets before us a blessing and a curse. A blessing, if we obey the call of God for our repentance by faith in Christ; and an awful curse, if we neglect God offer of salvation. The decision is ours to make. However, it is a decision that will be made for us if we decide not to choose.

If we are not fully living for God, depending on Him for our entire existence and obeying His every command, then we are outside the will and fellowship of God. If we are found outside of His will, then we are under the curse of the law. This law of God says very plainly that the soul that sinneth shall surely die and the wages of sin is death. Since the Scriptures calls all men sinners, all men have been placed under the curse of the law of God. In spite of that, God has provided a way to break the curse of the law of God.

Breaking the curse

It is an undeniable fact that most of us have had the doctrine of Jesus preached to us and that we naturally understand that most of what we do is wrong. Nevertheless, this does not help us in our fight against Lucifer. We are blessed through faith in the promises of God; and this is the only way that we can break free from the curse of the law of God. Through faith in God, the Word of God, and the Spirit of God, we can break free from our addictions and reclaim our positions as the children of God.

The curse of the law of God is against all sinners. Therefore, it is against all men. For all have sinned, and are guilty before God. Since we are breakers of the law of God, we are under the curse of the law of God. Therefore, we cannot hope to be saved by it because anyone who is guilty of breaking the least of the laws of God is guilty of breaking them all. Faith is the only way we can be freed from the penalty of our sins and the wrath of God. Faith is the only way that we can be restore to our position as the children of God and a life in the favor of God.

Although salvation is not expected from the law of God, there is a way open to escape the curse of the law of God, and regain the favor of God. This can be done through faith in Jesus. Jesus redeemed us from the curse of the law. By being made a sin offering for us, he was made a curse for us under the punishment of the law of God. The death of the Son of God should warn us to stop sinning. God will not spare us if we remain in sin since he did not spared His own Son.

In 2nd Chronicles, God answers King Solomon’s prayer by giving him the steps in which we can be restored to the favor of God. Through doing the things that God asks of us, we cannot only reclaim our position as the children of God. We can also reclaim our power to fight Lucifer.

Fighting Lucifer

Again, let us remember that it is naturally impossible for us to fight against Lucifer. This is because Lucifer is an angel of God and only God can fight him. However, if we follow and do what the Scriptures tell us to do, we can enlist the help and all the power of God to fight the good fight of faith. In order to enlist the help of God, we need to have faith that God can and will do everything that we ask of Him. The Scriptures says that God will do abundantly more than we can ever ask or think. God will help us in our constant struggle against Lucifer if we just ask.

When we ask of God, we cannot doubt that He will help us. This is how Lucifer beats many of us. Lucifer will introduce doubt into our thought process to get us to underestimate what God is willing to do for us. Lucifer will question and misquote the Scriptures in order to confuse us. Thisis the main reason that we need to know the Scriptures for ourselves. We also need to understand that the Scriptures are written so plainly that a fool cannot error in doing it. What this means is that God do not need anyone help to interpret what He says in the Scriptures. What God says is exactly what God means. If God says we should not do something, then He means that we should not do it. If God promised in His word that He would do something, then we can believe that He will do exactly what He said that He would do.

However getting God to help us involves more than knowing what the Scriptures say. Lucifer knows the Scriptures and he is still going to hell. If we want to get God’s help, then we need to have a firm and persistent faith or belief that if God be for us, then who can be against us. We have to believe that we can do all things through Christ who strengthen us. Moreover, we must be ready to do the Will of God no matter the cost. If we are ready to be obedient to God and completely trust in Him, then we are ready to submit to God.

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