Who is Lucifer that man should fear him?
Job 1:6-1:12
Understanding Lucifer
The reason that we, as the children of God, need to understand Lucifer is, we are under constant attack from him and his evil forces. In order to defend ourselves from his attacks, we need be able to recognize him as the Scriptures describe him. We need to become aware of his power, his battle tactics, his way of thinking, and his limitations. With this kind of knowledge, we will be better armed to fight the good fight of faith against Lucifer and break his death hold on our lives.
The words, demon, devil, and Satan are the commonly used pronouns for an evil being or an evil presence. However, Lucifer is more than just an evil being or presence. His proper name is Lucifer and God created him. When we hear the names Satan and Lucifer, we might picture a strange looking being that has human like features. This creature usually has a tail and horns and carries a pitchfork. This being is thought to reside in the deepest and hottest parts of the earth. His residence is said to be the place where souls burn for eternity. Although this is the common perception that we have of Lucifer, it is the wrong one.
The Scriptures describes Lucifer as being a fallen angel, a snake, a demon, the accuser of the brethren, and the father of all lies. He is said to be like a roaring lion and can appear as an angel of light. The Scriptures say that he is a very deceiving spirit that can come into the presence of God. He is represent by a dragon and is destined for the pits of Hell. Furthermore, the Scriptures warn us that he is to be considered an enemy to the children of God. We are told to separate ourselves from him and anyone that is associated with him.
Lucifer was at one time a very important angel of God. Some theologians say that Lucifer was the angel in charge of the worship and praise in heaven. They say that he was completely adorned with every precious stone you could imagine. Lucifer could just think of a melody and it would start playing. Lucifer is describe as being the best looking of all the angel and the scholars placed him as fourth in the line of authority in heaven before he was thrown out.
Lucifer still has access to God.
In Job 1:6-12, we can find some additional information on Lucifer. Here in this passage of scripture we can see some of his character traits. Verse 6 says, "One day, the angels came to present themselves before the Lord and Lucifer also came with them." This passage reveals to us two things. First, although Lucifer lost his position in the kingdom of God, He did not lose his access to God. That is why most of the Scriptures call him Lucifer, which means "light-bearer" or "shining one." When he rebelled against God, Lucifer went from praising and worshipping God to finding fault in God and the things of God. Secondly, Lucifer is often found in the company of the people of God. The reason for this is, he is busy trying to steal God’s praise. He is trying to kill any hope of man ever being saved. He is trying to destroy the children of God.
Lucifer can only be in one place at a time.
God is the creator of Lucifer. Since Lucifer is a created being, he is limited like the other created beings. God is the only heavenly being that can be at more than one place at a time. (Daniel 10:12-14) Lucifer uses the fallen angels to fool us into thinking that he is everywhere. When Lucifer was thrown out of heaven, a third of the angels in heaven were thrown out with him. These angels make up the entire spiritual force of Lucifer. These demonic angels are the ones that Lucifer sends to torment us. Still, although these demonic angels are under Lucifer’s evil control, they cannot do any harm to the child of God without God’s permission. These demonic angels work to tempt people into sin.
Lucifer converses with God and man.
The Scriptures tells us that Lucifer talks with God. He has to talk to Him in order to do anything to a child of God. The conversations between God and Lucifer are usually filled with accusations by Lucifer and rebukes by God. Like God, Lucifer also talks to us. He does this by placing ideas and thoughts in our minds that are against the will of God. Lucifer will use our friends, family, and anyone else to talk to us.
As the children of God, we need to know that the voice of Lucifer is a lying voice, because the Scriptures call him the father of all lies. However, as the children of God, we need to know the voice of God and we need to know how totell if what we hear is from God. The Scriptures says to try the spirit by the spirit. If some thought or idea comes to us, we should try it by the Scriptures. If it is in the smallest way not in agreement with the Scriptures, then it is not from God.
Lucifer is limited on what he can do.
Throughout the Scriptures, we find limits that God has placed on Lucifer. In Genesis 3:14-15 and Revelations 20:10, God limits the life span of Lucifer. In Job 1:6, Lucifer is limited in what he can do to a child of God. Whatever it is that he might do has to be approved by God.
Lucifer is not only limited by God, he also can be limited by us. The Scriptures gives us many different ways in which we can limit the power of Lucifer over our lives. The Scriptures says that if we seek God, and resist Lucifer, he will flee. David said, "Blessed is the man that walks not in the counsel of the ungodly or stands in the way of the sinner or sits in the seat of the mockers." (Psalms 1:1)
Jesus told us that we have the power and authority in His Name to cast out demons. He also said that one shall put a thousand (demons) to flight and two shall put ten thousand to flight. Lucifer tries his best to convince us that we are helpless in our struggle against him, but we are not helpless. God did not give us a weak and helpless spirit; He gave us a spirit of love, power, and a sound mind.
Lucifer is real and active on the earth. By knowing these things about Lucifer, we can be better prepare for his attacks. The aware child of God will look for Lucifer in every situation and circumstance. The aware child of God will judge and test any situation with the Scriptures. The Scriptures inform us that the best, the quickest way to rid ourselves of Lucifer is to seek God, resist Lucifer, and he will flee.
Lucifer is not a mere fantasy or folk tale; he is real. He has a powerful army that fights against God, Christ, the Spirit of God, and anyone who is on God’s side. Lucifer will try anything to get us to turn our backs on God. To be able to withstand his attacks, we must learn to rely on the strength of God. We must also use every piece of armor that God has given us. (Ephesians 6:10-18) If we resist Lucifer, he will flee from us. However, the child of God that considers Lucifer will be overcome. Some people can easily reject the temptations that Lucifer offers; yet, each ofus must rely on the Scriptures and the strength of God to help us to overcome the tricks of Lucifer.
Tags: preachers, pastors, Black preachers, sermons, Reginald Levi Walker, Vision of Hope Curch Incorporated, Twenty-third Psalms Ministries Incorporated, Nabahood 23, A voice calling out in the wilderness, Poem, Poetry, popular blog, blog, Reginald Levi Walker, Nabahood23
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